
Central Valley (Fresno) Chapter
Year established: 2023


NAHN is committed to advancing the health in Hispanic communities and to lead, promote and advocate the educational, professional, and leadership opportunities for Hispanic nurses.

Chapter Information:

President Johanna Velazquez, MSN,FNP-C, PHN, RN
Vice President Magdalena Ruiz, DNP, FNP-C, RN
Treasurer Marlene Valdez, BSN, RN 
Secretary Marisol Gutierrez, MSN, FNP-C, RN
Email [email protected]
Social Media Facebook


Inland Empire Chapter


Committed to advancing the health in Hispanic communities and to lead, promote and advocate the educational, professional, and leadership opportunities for Hispanic nurses.

Chapter Information:

President Antonia "Tonie" Brown, MA, RN
Secretary Marcella Camacho, LVN
Treasurer Esther Sahlstrom, RN
Email [email protected]
Social Media Facebook


Los Angeles Chapter
Year established: 1990


Hispanics are the largest ethnic group in California who encounter health care issues which are influenced by political and socio-economic factors. The Los Angeles Chapter address the need to organize and contribute towards nursing leadership, representation and networking for local Hispanic/Latino nurses.

Chapter Information:

President Juana Ferrerosa PhD, MSN, PHN, RN
Past President Sonia Valdez, DNP, RN, ACNP, GANP, PHN, CVRN-BC, FAAN
Secretary Adriana Velasco MSN, RN
Treasurer Angie Millan, DNP, RN, FAAN
Membership Adriana Velasco, MSN
Board Member Jessica Quintana, MSN, RN, PCCN, PHN
Email [email protected]
Social Media Facebook 


Orange County Chapter
Year established: 1991


We are open to all nurses, nursing students and those interested in nursing. Our chapter is designed and committed to the improvement of health and quality nursing care for all consumers. We work toward providing equal access to educational, professional, and economic opportunities for Hispanic nurses.

Chapter Information:

President Dr. Maria Matza, PhD, RNC, PHN
Vice President Yolanda Casagrande
Secretary Debbie Martinez
Treasurer Noemi Barajas
Email [email protected]
Social Media Facebook


Sacramento Chapter


NAHN is committed to advancing the health in Hispanic communities and to lead, promote and advocate the educational, professional, and leadership opportunities for Hispanic nurses.

Chapter Information:

President Reyna Portillo-Marzocca, MS, RN, PHN
Immediate Past President Sandra Calderon, MSN, RN, FNP-C
Vice President Lisa Rodriguez, MSN, RN, PHN 
Secretary Valeria Martinez, BSN, RN, RNC-NIC 
Treasurer Monica Aguilar MSN, RN, NPD-BC
Email [email protected]
Social Media Facebook


San Diego Chapter
Year established: 1993


Our mission is to address the educational & health care needs of the Hispanic community.

Chapter Information:

President Lorena Perez, MSN, RN, PHN, Ph.D.(c) 
President Elect Violet Rubio, MSN, RN
Treasurer Rosalinda Ruezga, BSN, RN, PHN
Corresponding Secretary Teresa Soto Martinez, BSN, RN
Recording Secretary Rebecca Valenzuela, BSN, RN, PHN 
Immediate Past President Mollie Nunn, BSN, RN, PHN, CNOR
Board of Directors Member Catherine DeLeon, Ph.D., RN 
Board of Directors Member Xochitl Cisneros, CPHON, BSN, RN
Board of Directors Member Dulce Pluma, BSN, RN, PHN
Board of Directors Member Natali Samaniego, RN
Email [email protected]
Social Media Facebook


San Francisco/Golden Gate Chapter


NAHN is committed to advancing the health in Hispanic communities and to lead, promote and advocate the educational, professional, and leadership opportunities for Hispanic nurses.

Chapter Information:

President Erika Alfaro
Secretary Maria Zam
Treasurer Jasmine Vargas
Email [email protected]
Social Media Facebook